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Case stories that stick

Echo 2
Ultrasound Loop
She told me that early this morning she awoke with pain in her lower abdomen that was still here. Otherwise everything was fine, but she would feel more secure if I could perform an ultrasound to confirm everythin...
Thu, 30/01/2020
Ulrike Handler, MD
The most common reason for choosing medicine as a profession is by far the ability to help patients.  We all know the rewarding feeling we get when patients are in a critical state but things do turn out well in t...
Mon, 30/12/2019
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC
As health care professionals we witness not only tragedies but also miracles. True, the accomplishments of modern medicine are often at the core of such success stories. But for patients, they often are true mirac...
Tue, 24/12/2019
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC
Some of the things we see in ultrasound can be quite frightening. Since its Halloween, I want to show you some pathologies that are quite spectacular. When showing these images (which were often incidental finding...
Wed, 30/10/2019
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC
The annual EuroEcho conference is just around the corner (4-7 December 2019). It is always a fantastic meeting, and I am looking forward, especially since it takes place in my hometown Vienna. One of the sessions ...
Wed, 30/10/2019
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC and Martin Altersberger