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Echo BachelorClass

Echo BachelorClass

Bachelor Class
What do you want to report?
Free lecture 1
Free lecture 2
Free lecture 3
01 - Starter Kit - Left ventricular function
01. Starter Kit - Left ventricular function quiz
02 - Starter Kit - Aortic stenosis
02. Starter kit – Aortic stenosis quiz
03 - Starter Kit-  Mitral regurgitation
03. Starter kit – Mitral regurgitation quiz
04 - Introduction to imaging
04. Introduction to imaging quiz
05 - Imaging - parasternal views
05. Imaging – parasternal views quiz
06 - Imaging - apical views
06. Imaging – apical views quiz
07 - Imaging - subcostal views
07. Imaging – subcostal views quiz
08 - Echo in critical care conditions - part 1
08 - Echo in critical care conditions - part 2
08. Echo in critical care conditions quiz
09 - Left ventricular dysfuction - part 1
09 - Left ventricular dysfuction - part 2
09. Left ventricular dysfunction quiz
10 - Acute myocardial infarction
10. Acute myocardial infarction quiz
11 - Complications of myocardial infarction
11. Complications of myocardial infarction quiz
12 - Hypertrophy and myocardial disease
12. Hypertrophy and myocardial disease quiz
13 - Fluid management - part 1
13 - Fluid management - part 2
13. Fluid management quiz
14 - Right heart and pulmonary embolism
14. Right heart and pulmonary hypertension quiz
15 - Aortic stenosis
15. Aortic stenosis quiz
16 - Mitral stenosis
16. Mitral stenosis quiz
17 - Mitral regurgitation part 1
17 - Mitral regurgitation part 2
17. Mitral regurgitation quiz
18 - Aortic regurgitation
18. Aortic regurgitation quiz
19 - TEE - Introduction
19 - TEE - Cut planes part 1
19 - TEE - Cut planes part 2
19 - TEE - Normal and abnormal
19. Transesophageal echocardiography quiz
20 - Heart and infection
20. Heart and infection quiz
21 - Pericardial effusion
21. Pericardial effusion quiz
22 - Aortic disease
22. Aortic disease quiz
23 - Prosthetic valves part 1
23 - Prosthetic valves part 2
23. Prosthetic valves quiz
24 - Echo and  cardiovascular surgery
24. Echo and cardiovascular surgery quiz

Course Speakers

Medical University of Vienna
Cardiologist, Head of Digital Learning
Medical University of Catania, Italy
Medical University of Vienna
12.75 CME Read more
Top Speakers
25 Chapters
35 Lectures
24 Quizzes


Chapter 1

Free lectures

3 lectures and 0 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 2

0.5 CME

Starter Kit - Left ventricular function

Your entry gate to the world of echocardiography. Assessment of cardiac function made easy.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 3

0.5 CME

Starter kit – Aortic stenosis

Learn how to detect the most common form of valvular heat disease. Echo is easier than using the stethoscope.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 4

0.5 CME

Starter kit – Mitral regurgitation

Your first introduction to anatomy and function of the mitral valve. Learn how to use color Doppler to detect his important pathology.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 5

0.5 CME

Introduction to imaging

Getting to the core of things: Instrumentation, components of an echo exam and much more…


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 6

0.5 CME

Imaging – parasternal views

The parasternal view – how can you find it and which views should you display.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 7

0.5 CME

Imaging – apical views

The apical window- probably the most important view to the heart. A chapter full of tips and tricks.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 8

0.25 CME

Imaging – subcostal views

Problems with positioning your patient? The subcostal view is a perfect alternative that allows you to also see additional structures of the heart.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 9

0.75 CME

Echo in critical care conditions

This chapter will definitely change the way you manage critical care patients. Get into the driving seat of medical decision making.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 10

0.75 CME

Left ventricular dysfunction

Here we dig deeper into the essentials of quantifying left ventricular function. A chapter full of practical examples.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 11

0.25 CME

Acute myocardial infarction

The ECG is still first – but once you watch this chapter you will realize important echocardiography is in patients with chest pain.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 12

0.25 CME

Complications of myocardial infarction

This chapter will help you save lives. You will need echo for Risk assessment and the diagnosis of myocardial rupture, ischemic VSD, right ventricular infarct and thrombi.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 13

0.5 CME

Hypertrophy and myocardial disease

Hypertrophy - A frequent finding. But how do you quantify it and what are the causes? We will provide a simple roadmap.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 14

0.75 CME

Fluid management

Should I give fluids or not? Echocardiography will provide the answer.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 15

0.5 CME

Right heart and pulmonary hypertension

Learn how to quantify pulmonary pressure. Right heart disease is more common than you think and echo will lead you the diagnosis. From pulmonary embolism and right heart failure to tricuspid regurgitation.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 16

0.25 CME

Aortic stenosis

The sequel to chapter 2, now you will also learn how to quantify aortic stenosis. We will show you how to use spectral Doppler here.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 17

0.25 CME

Mitral stenosis

A common disease in many parts of the world and one of the easiest diagnosis you can make. But only if you have an echo machine.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 18

0.5 CME

Mitral regurgitation

In chapter 3 we already dealt with mitral regurgitation. Here you will see many more examples and learn why patients develop mitral regurgitation in the first place.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 19

0.5 CME

Aortic regurgitation

One you know how to use color Doppler it is easy to detect aortic regurgitation. But there is more you should know about this entity if you want to manage your patients.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 20

1.5 CME

Transesophageal echocardiography

Transesophageal- and transthoracic echo belong together. Learn when and how to use it. Your first step into an important modality that is not only used in cardiology.


4 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 21

0.25 CME

Heart and infection

If you don’t want to miss an endocarditis-, myocarditis or pericarditis then you will need to watch this chapter. Learn more about the incredible power of both transthoracic and transesophageal echo.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 22

0.5 CME

Pericardial effusion

Detection of a pericardial effusion is one of the easiest tasks in echocardiography. This chapter will show you how to make the diagnosis and which additional information it provides.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 23

0.5 CME

Aortic disease

Don’t forget to image the aorta. This lecture will explain you how and why it can save lives.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 24

0.75 CME

Prosthetic valves

Over 250.000 prosthetic valves are implanted worldwide each year. So you will definitely see such patients. But how can you tell if prosthetic function is normal? We will show you in this chapter.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 25

0.75 CME

Echo and cardiovascular surgery

Do you know how to assess the risk for surgery with echo? Which factors influence the postoperative outcome and what to look for in patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery? These are some of the topics discussed in this chapter.


1 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Objectives image

This sonography certificate program was designed to allow you to apply echocardiography within a short time.

After completing this medical sonography schooling, you will know how to perform an abbreviated exam of the most common cardiac conditions and to assess acute illnesses.

Ideal for:

Primary Care Physicians
Critical Care Physicians
Medical Students

Student Discount

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  • Cancellation possible anytime after 4 months minimum run time
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  • 6 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits


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  • 12 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits


Two-Year Access

24 months

If you want to take your time learning, this option is perfect for you. Save 40% on the 6-month option.

You get:

  • 24 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits