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Case stories that stick

Echo 2
Ultrasound Loop
No matter which colleague you talk to, in which country you live or in which medical environment you work in we currently all have the same problem:
Thu, 02/04/2020
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC
While many of us are still standing on the shore (hopefully in a save haven) waiting for the tsunami to arrive, others are already in the midst of the “warzone”.
Tue, 17/03/2020
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC
In this clip, Prof. Thomas Binder, MD shares a few tips and how to reliably get from a parasternal long-axis view to a parasternal short-axis view.
Thu, 12/03/2020
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC
In this short introductory clip, Prof. Thomas Binder, MD briefly shows different types of transducers and gives a few tips on handling this important piece of equipment.
Thu, 12/03/2020
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC