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Case stories that stick

Echo 2
Ultrasound Loop
The presence, appearance, and significance of finding cholesterol polyps, adenomyomatosis, within the gallbladder is discussed and reviewed on multiple imaging modalities.
Wed, 20/01/2010
Brian Klimas, MD and Harry Zegel, MD
The sonographic findings associated with pyloric stenosis are outlined and imaging showing a hypertrophic pyloris are provided in grey scale imaging and with color doppler.
Wed, 20/01/2010
Bruno Sagastegui Aguilar, MD, MS, DR, AB-LA, OB-LA, RADIOLOGIST
The clinical presentation and imaging results are discussed for a patient whose symptoms of jaundice, intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary dilitation, and right upper quaderant pain are consistent with a diagnosi...
Wed, 20/01/2010
Taco Geertsma, MD
A structure, referred to as a pseudokidney, is imaged and compared to CT imaging, showing the extent of the disease process of intestinal lymphoma.
Wed, 20/01/2010
Mariano Volpacchio, MD Juan Ignacio Fonseca Rocha, MD Agustina Agnetti, MD and José Luis Volpacchio, MD
Images depicting a micro gallbladder, an ideopathic condition associated with cystic fibrosis, are presented and other possible biliary complications are noted.
Wed, 20/01/2010
Shweta Bhatt, MD and Vikram Dogra, MD
Imaging from a man with right lower quaderant pain reveals a bullseye shaped structue with increased blood flow at the area of maximal tenderness, consistent with a finding of acute appendicitis.
Wed, 20/01/2010
P.K. Srivastava, MD