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Case stories that stick

Eho 2
Ultrasound Loop
US in emergencies and prehospital indications
Digitaler Stress ist eine Stressform, die durch die Nutzung & Allgegenwärtigkeit von digitalen Technologien verursacht wird. Professor Dr. René Riedl, österreichischer Hochschulprofessor an der FH Oberösterrei...
Sun, 13/12/2020
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC and Prof. Dr. René Riedl
What does it take for an athlete to win a competition? Talent, hard training, and a positive mental attitude - right?
Sun, 13/12/2020
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC and Prof. Dr. René Riedl
It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the globe (Chaos Theory).
Sun, 13/12/2020
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Binder
Aortic stenosis: TAVI (transpercutaneous aortic valve implantation) - has been used in more than 20,000 patients throughout the world...
Sun, 13/12/2020
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Binder
Today's case is awesome - please read all the way to the end ... we need your advice!
Sun, 13/12/2020
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Binder
Helga, 34 years old and mother of three children, had started to feel strange of late - read this case!
Sun, 13/12/2020
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Binder