How can we help you?

Until now we have always focused on the left side of the heart – what a shame! For the circulation the right ventricle is as important as the left. As you will see in the following case, sometimes a pathology of the right ventricle will bring you closer to the diagnosis.

The Story:

A 70-year-old former female dentist presented with shortness of breath. The situation had been worsening over years, Several pulmonary function tests were performed previously. They showed “mild obstructive pulmonary disease”. However, this finding could hardly explain her symptoms, which were now rather severe (NYHA class III). So finally she ended up getting an echocardiogram.

The Echo

Take a look at the images first, and see if you can depict the key findings:

Pulmonary Hypertension 4Chamb Pulmonary Hypertension SAX Pulmonary Hypertension TR Pulmonary Hypertension TR Signal Pulmonary Hypertension TR Signal