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4.7 Summary

Assessment of diastolic dysfunction should be an integral part of every echo exam. In most situations diastolic dysfunction is not an isolated phenomenon but a sequel of systolic dysfunction. Thus, the findings should always be viewed in the context of the underlying problem and other echocardiographic findings. One should keep in mind the fact that all parameters have their limitations and provide just a simplified view of diastolic function. Besides, diastolic function may change rapidly under conditions such as exercise, an increase in heart rate, and different loads. Nevertheless, it will ultimately help in understanding the physiology of heart failure and may also influence the mode of treatment to be used in the individual patient.

New course: Cardiac Filling MasterClass

Ever since the newest ASE/EACVI guidelines on diastolic function were published in 2016 we had the urge to again tackle the topic of Cardiac Filling. Our new Cardiac Filling Masterclass will help healthcare professionals master the topic in a simple and intuitive way.

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