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MSK US Foot and Ankle BachelorClass
MSK Ultrasound

MSK US Foot and Ankle BachelorClass

Bachelor Class
What do you want to report?
Free lecture 1
Free lecture 2
Free lecture 3
Free lecture 4
First Introduction
Technology you need
How to apply in Podiatry clinical care
Advantages and disadvantages
Diagnostic value
Clinical case examples
Handling the transducer
Operator variables
System variables
Transducer variables
Transducer movement language
Grey values
Perpendicular scanning and anisotropy
Muscles, tendons and tendon tunnels
Bone, joints, joint capsule and synovium
Ligament and Fascia
Skin, Subcutaneous tissue and oedema
Retinaculum, Syndesmosis and periosteum
Blood, vessels, nerves and arteries
Cartilage and osteophytes
Bursae, fat and cysts
Glass, hair, wood, sea shells and metal
MSK US FAAC - Introduction to MSK
Chapter Introduction
Distal tibiotalar joint
Lateral collateral ligament
Medial collateral ligament
The subtalar joint
Tendons and retinacula
M. tibialis anterior
Extensor tendons
Anterior synovial recess and tibiofibular syndesmosis
Anterior talofibular ligament, ATFL
Tibialis anterior
Anterior ankle impingement
Anterior ankle impingement demo
MSK US FAAC - Anterior Ankle
M. peroneus longus
M. peroneus brevis
Retinaculum peroneum
Tuberculum peroneum
Peroneal tendons and retinaculum
Ligamentum calcaneofibulare
Peroneals - tenosynovitis - tendinosis - rupture
Discussion: Peroneal tendon pathology
Case Discussion: Peroneal tendons
Peroneals - instability and anterior ankle - impingement
MSK US FAAC - Lateral Ankle
M. tibialis posterior
M. flexor hallucis longus
M. flexor digitorum longus
M. soleus
Tibial nerve
Arteria tibialis posterior and vena comitans
M. abductor hallucis
Tibial groove of the tibialis posterior tendon
M. tibialis posterior
M. flexor digitorum longus
M. flexor hallucis longus
Medioposterior tarsal tunnel overview
M. soleus
M. abductor hallucis
Medial malleolus
Abnormalities of the tibialis posterior tendon
Accessory os naviculare / os tibiale externus type 1,2,3
Discussion: Tibialis tendon pathology
MSK US FAAC - Medial Ankle
Achilles tendon retrocalcaneal
Achilles tendon pre-insertional and midportion
Achilles tendon
Kager's fat body
Midportion and preinsertional pathology of the Achilles tendon
Preinsertional and insertional pathology of the Achilles tendon
Discussion: Achilles tendon pathology
Posterior impingement - stenosis of the FHL
Case Discussion: Hallucis longus
MSK US FAAC - Posterior Ankle
Osseous and articular
Skin, fascia and retinacula
Extensor tendons
M. extensor hallucis longus
M. extensor digitorum longus
M. extensor hallucis longus and m. extensor digitorum longus
Osteoarthritis and synovitis of the dorsal foot
Case Discussion: Fractures
MSK US FAAC - Dorsal Foot
Soft tissue plantar foot and fascia plantaris
Extrinsic muscles and tendons
Subcalcaneal fat chamber structure
Fascia plantaris, central and lateral bundle
Extrinsic tendons of the foot
Fasciitis plantaris, fascial ruptures, plantar fibromatosis, fat chamber lesion
Case Discussion: Fibromatosis
Pathological findings and scanning technique fat chambers
MSK US FAAC - Plantar Foot
First metatarsophalangeal joint complex and interphalangeal joint
Lesser toes
Common plantar digital nerves
Subcapital structures - cartilage, plate, tendon, sheath, fat chambers
Second and third webspace plantar common digital nerve - Morton neuroma
Discussion: Morton's Neuroma
Case Discussion: Avascular necrosis
Swelling & Tumours
Ultrasound cases and pitfalls
Course Outro
MSK US FAAC - Toe Region

Course Speakers

Founder & CEO SonoSkills
Podiatrist & MSK Sonographer
Orthopedic Surgeon
Public Health Medicine Specialist
11.5 CME Read more
Top Speakers
9 Chapters
103 Lectures
8 Quizzes


Chapter 1

Free lectures

4 lectures and 0 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 2

2.5 CME

Introduction to MSK Foot and Ankle

In this chapter, we'll discuss the foundational knowledge necessary to start your ultrasound learning experience. After some general introduction videos, we'll look at how to work with the ultrasound device as well as the sonographic appearance of anatomical structures in the foot and ankle.

22 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 3


Anterior Ankle

In this chapter, we'll cover the anterior ankle. We'll first look at the anatomy and normal ultrasound appearance of the structures in the ankle. Finally, we'll have a look at common pathologies seen in this region of the ankle.

13 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 4


Lateral Ankle

In this chapter, we'll cover the lateral ankle. We'll first look at the anatomy and sono anatomy. Though demonstrations we'll show you the normal ultrasound appearance of the structures in the lateral ankle. Finally, we'll have a look at common pathologies seen in this region of the ankle.

10 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 5


Medial Ankle

In this chapter, we'll cover the medial ankle. We'll first look at the anatomy and normal ultrasound appearance of the structures in the medial ankle, through theory presentations and live demonstrations. Finally, we'll have a look at common pathologies seen in this region of the ankle.

18 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 6


Posterior Ankle

In this chapter, we'll cover the posterior ankle. We'll first look at the anatomy and normal ultrasound appearance of the structures in the posterior ankle. Finally, we'll have a look at common pathologies seen in this region of the ankle.

9 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 7


Dorsal Foot

In this chapter, we'll cover the dorsal foot. We'll have a look at the anatomy and sono anatomy of the dorsal foot. Through live demonstrations, we'll show normal ultrasound findings and scanning techniques. And finally, we'll have a look at common pathologies seen in this region of the foot.

9 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 8

1.5 CME

Plantar Foot

In this chapter, we'll cover the plantar foot. We'll have a look at the anatomy and sono anatomy of the plantar foot. Through live demonstrations, we'll show normal ultrasound findings and scanning techniques. After having discussed the normal situation, we'll start looking at pathology findings and scanning techniques to uncover abnormalities of the plantar foot.

8 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 9

1.5 CME

Toes Region

In this last chapter, we'll have a look at the toe region. Again, we'll cover the anatomy and sono anatomy, followed by live demonstrations to show normal ultrasound findings and scanning techniques. We'll also have a look at the most commonly seen pathologies in the toe region. Finally, we'll close this e-learning course with some miscellaneous pathologies and ultrasound pitfalls.

10 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:



Objectives image

After completion of the course you will be able to assess the region of the foot and ankle, especially: Normal and abnormal anatomy, How to image, Sonographic appearance of ligaments, tendons and muscles, Torn or otherwise pathologic structures & Signs of edema and inflammation.

Ideal for:

Health Care Professionals
General practitioners
Primary Care Physicians
Medical Students

Student Discount

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Ultrasound Loop
MSK Ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice for tendon abnormalities and it is easier than you might think.
Fri, 02/08/2024
Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC


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  • 6 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits


One-Year Access

12 months

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You get:

  • 12 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits


Two-Year Access

24 months

If you want to take your time learning, this option is perfect for you. Save 40% on the 6-month option.

You get:

  • 24 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits