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Ultrasound Device

Thyroid Ultrasound – Spot the problem Part 2

Here is another quick thyroid ultrasound case to boost your skills! A patient with hypothyroidism. With ultrasound, you can immediately find out why. What is your diagnosis?


Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder that often leads to hypothyroidism.

It is characterized by heterogeneous echo texture, with hypo and hyperechoic regions and fibrous and micronodules. The size and vascularity depend on the stage of the disease: the later the stage, the less vascularity and the smaller the thyroid.

Did you know that January is Thyroid Awareness Month? It is meant to bring recognition to thyroid related diseases! Are you already treating your patients with Thyroid ultrasound? In our MasterClass, we cover all relevant topics from basics to advanced. In accordance to this month's awareness topic, we are offering the Thyroid Ultrasound MasterClass with Lifetime Access for only the 6-month price! Get your access now – and learn not only sonography but also how to manage your patients! Only available until January 28th, 2024.

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