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Case stories that stick

Echo 2
Ultrasound Loop
Fred is a real motorcycle aficionado. He has a passion for the feeling of freedom when cruising the streets of Lower Austria on his Suzuki.
Wed, 09/01/2013
It is common wisdom that the direction of a regurgitant jet reveals the mechanism of mitral regurgitation...
Wed, 02/01/2013
Ultrasound Case: I like photography. With a simple click you can capture a precious moment, create emotions, or tell a story...
Wed, 19/12/2012
Echocardiography is usually performed in the dark, but sometimes it makes sense to turn the lights on.
Wed, 12/12/2012
It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the globe (Chaos Theory).
Wed, 05/12/2012
Christmas is coming and we all like surprises. But that's not true of the patient I will present to you today. Read on and find out why.
Thu, 29/11/2012