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Abdominal Ultrasound BachelorClass
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Abdominal Ultrasound BachelorClass

Bachelor Class
What do you want to report?
Free lecture 1
Free lecture 2
Quiz - Free chapter
Ultrasound basics
Quiz - Ultrasound basics and artifacts
Liver: Anatomy and How to image (basics)
Liver: How to image 1
Liver: How to image 2
Quiz - Liver sonography part 1
Liver: Case reports
Liver pathologies - Focal lesions
Liver pathologies - Diffuse diseases
Quiz - Liver sonography part 2
Gallbladder: Anatomy and How to image
Gallbladder: Pathologies
Quiz - Gallbladder
Kidneys: anatomy and How to image (basics)
Kidneys: How to image 1
Kidneys: How to image 2
Kidneys: Pathologies 1
Kidneys: Pathologies 2
Kidneys: Case reports
Quiz - Kidney sonography
Adrenal glands
Quiz - Adrenal glands and spleen
Pancreas: Anatomy and How to image
Pancreas: Pathologies
Great vessels
Quiz - Pancreas and great vessels
Urinary bladder: Anatomy and How to image
Urinary bladder: Pathologies
Quiz - Pelvis part 1
Female pelvis: Anatomy and How to image
Female pelvis: Pathologies
Quiz - Pelvis part 2
Scanning: Chapter 1
Scanning: Chapter 2
Quiz - Scanning part 1
Scanning: Chapter 3
Scanning: Chapter 4
Scanning: Chapter 5
Quiz - Scanning part 2

Course Speakers

Herz Jesu Hospital, Vienna, Austria
St. Josef Hospital, Vienna, Austria
10 CME Read more
Top Speakers
13 Chapters
34 Lectures
12 Quizzes


Chapter 1

0.75 CME

Abdominal BachelorClass - free chapter

Your starting point into the world of abdominal ultrasound. Meet your teachers Ulrike and Christian. Six different case reports from our lab that will show you how powerful abdominal ultrasound is. Learn how to perform an ultrasound scan on the urinary bladder and the gallbladder.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 2

0.75 CME

Ultrasound basics and artifacts

Meet the star of this course: the ultrasound wave! Principles of scanning. How to obtain really good images. How to optimize your settings and adjustments on the machine. Safety aspects. Understand the most important ultrasound artifacts and use them to your advantage.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 3


Liver sonography part 1

The liver is the second largest organ in our body. We start with a review of the relevant anatomic features and the important structures surrounding the liver - we will show you how to scan the liver in the standard imaging planes systematically, including the “emergency view” of the liver. Also see the course regarding how to perform a thorough liver scan.


3 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 4


Liver sonography part 2

Learn how to detect and distinguish diffuse liver diseases like liver congestion, steatosis and liver cirrhosis as well as focal liver lesions with your magic ultrasound wand - we’ll take you there! What does a snowball have in common with liver lesions? You’ll find out here. After completing this chapter, you will definitely be able to differentiate between the most common liver pathologies in ultrasound. Three case reports included - test your knowledge!


3 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 5

0.75 CME


How can I detect gallstones with ultrasound? What are the criteria for cholecystitis? What are the sonographic signs for cholestasis? In this chapter we will teach you not only how to successfully find and scan the gallbladder but also how to detect and distinguish the most important pathologies of the gallbladder and the bile ducts.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 6


Kidney sonography

We’ll start with a review of the anatomic features and go on with the different approaches and scan planes for both kidneys - getting you ready for evaluating renal pathologies like hydronephrosis, urinary tract stones, renal cysts and tumors and the atrophic kidney disease. You will see how the kidneys can vary in size, form and position - we will make sure, you’ll always find them. Test your knowledge in a clinical context and see if you can solve a few cases.


6 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 7

0.75 CME

Adrenal glands and spleen

Scanning and evaluating the spleen and the rather tricky region of the adrenal glands with ultrasound will be no big deal for you after you have completed this chapter! Do you know which pathologies you should look for? Why they are so important to find? These are the topics you will learn here.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 8


Pancreas and great vessels

Pancreas - is also called the hidden organ? True, it is difficult to find. But not for you: once you have completed this chapter, you will never fail to find the pancreas again. We will deal with the most common pathologies of the pancreas and get on with scanning the region of the great abdominal vessels. Abdominal aortic aneurysm - early diagnosis can save lives! Be prepared for critical care scenarios and emergencies and learn how to scan and evaluate the abdominal aorta.


3 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 9

0.5 CME

Pelvis part 1

Scanning the urinary bladder with ultrasound is easy and rewarding - you’ll understand why in this lecture! Urinary retention - a painful but often easily solved problem when detected with ultrasound - you can do it! This chapter also covers the issue of residual urine and the ultrasound appearance of bladder tumors.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 10

0.75 CME

Pelvis part 2

This chapter covers the different scan planes for examining the female and male pelvis: how to find the uterus, the ovaries or the prostate. Tumours and cysts and free fluid in the female lower abdomen? Prosthetic hyperplasia? After completing this chapter, you will definitely be able to detect these pathologies! We will also deal with another very important issue: the carcinoma of the prostate.


3 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 11

0.75 CME

Scanning part 1

Scanning only - a complete review of all scan planes and approaches to: the liver, the kidneys and the adrenal glands region.


2 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:

Chapter 12


Scanning part 2

In this chapter you'll get the final touch - recapitulating all scan planes and approaches for spleen, pancreas and great abdominal vessels followed by scanning the urinary bladder as well as the female and male lower abdomen. Then the grand finale: we´ll demonstrate a complete abdominal ultrasound examination. Now you’re ready!


3 lectures and 1 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Chapter 13


In this chapter, we will show a simple, workable approach to ultrasound imaging of appendicitis - suitable for anybody who is willing to learn abdominal ultrasound. Consider a scenario in which one of your patients is complaining about pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, and has not had an appendectomy. In the case of appendicitis, an acute operation is necessary, so it is extremely important to get the right diagnosis very quickly. Appendicitis (acute inflammation of the appendix) is consistently one of the most critical differential diagnoses. In most cases, it is possible either to image the inflamed appendix with ultrasound or at a minimum to locate some characteristic ultrasound features that point to appendicitis. This premium chapter will cover everything you need to know, in order to help your patients in this emergency situation.


1 lectures and 0 quizzes


Lectures & Quizzes:


Objectives image

After completing the Abdominal BachelorClass, you will be able to perform a standard exam.

You will know the limitations of this technique.

And be able to identify the most common pathologies of all major abdominal and pelvic organ systems.

Ideal for:

Critical Care Physicians
Primary Care Physicians

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Recommended Blog Posts

In this blog, delve into the versatile world of abdominal ultrasound in medicine! From diagnosing abdominal pain to uncovering organ pathologies, ultrasound offers non-invasive insights across medical specialties li...
Tue, 26/03/2024
Ulrike Handler, MD and Christian Aiginger


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  • 24 months access to our course
  • Ability to complete quizzes and earn CME credits